
The Environmental Classes of Mangrove Forest

Semarang - KeSEMaTBLOG. Melalui salah satu Jaringan KeSEMaTONLINE, yaitu KeSEMaTFACEBOOK, seringkali terjadi perbincangan mengenai habitat mangrove, terutama pertanyaan tentang bisa hidup di lingkungan yang bagaimana sajakah mangrove, itu. Jawaban dari pertanyaan ini, sebenarnya sudah ada di Jaringan KeSEMaTONLINE. Namun demikian, untuk lebih melengkapi jawaban yang telah ada, maka berikut ini kami cuplik sebuah artikel dari buku berjudul “Flora and Fauna of Indonesian Mangrove Ecosystem in The Shouth China Sea,” terbitan LPP Mangrove, mengenai empat kelas lingkungan, dimana mangrove hidup dan bisa ditemukan.

According to Thom (1995 cited by Ongkosongo et al. 1986, Mulia 1999) based on the environmental setting, the type of mangrove forest can be grouped into 4, viz. (a). Delta type: Formed in the estuaries of big river, and their sediment load in the river flow are deposited vastly formed as delta and generally their morphology are as tributary. Such as delta system can be found in Sumatera (e.g., Musi river delta, Tembilahan delta, Siak river delta). (b). Mudflat. Mudflats are found in the sea shores, generally typified by vast river flow, high tidal current and distributed sediment which become terrestrial lands. Widest sedimentation along with the tidal current and river erosion will threat the mangrove forests. (c). Terrestrial islands. The small islands and their substrates consist of terretrial sediment and marine carbonate sediment, and usually occupied by water during high tides. At low tides, the islands represent of unique habitat of mangrove, e.g., Seribu islands. (d). Terrestrial shores. The habitat formed as a narrow strip in the shores, and mostly consists of sand, coral single and sandy mud. Here, the mangrove growth as a fringing mangrove community, e.g., in east shore of Lampung and South Sumatera and northern coast of West Java (LPP Mangrove, 2004).

Demikian, semoga bisa memberikan informasi yang lebih lengkap lagi, untuk menambah pengetahuan kita bersama tentang ekosistem mangrove yang wajib kita jaga kelestariannya, ini. Salam MANGROVER!

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